Anyways, I had a post I was going to do now, but something happened to me this morning and I said to myself; "Self, you are going to do a post on this. There is a lot that needs to be said!"
So, here I am. Listening to myself!! (This is a new skill I have...holla!)
As some of you may know...
You may know because it's a knowledge you previously had, or because you have seen someone you know on social media make a post about it, or change their profile or cover photo. I am huge on promoting this because awareness pages do some really cool things to help people take action and make a stand on it on their own and in their communities. For example, The National Sexual Violence Recourse Center is doing an Instagram contest for everyday of the month, each day promoting or doing things to make a difference. You can visit their Facebook page to find other things they are doing or click here to find it! (There are also alot of really cool pages on Facebook that I will share at the end so if you would like you can follow those too. :)
So because this month is an awareness month, I tend to have more of the topic plastered to my social media than usual. Long story short, I got a personal message from someone i am friends with on facebook upset by how much I had on my page. They said they scroll through their feed and see all of my stuff and they don't like it. Initially I wanted to retaliate with the SUPER adult response and say "oh yeah well it's my page you don't have to like it" which is all too true but I took a different approach. I then thought that maybe it was a trigger. Maybe this is something they have had to face, I apologized and asked them if it was triggering. That, I can understand and handle the situation better. Well, they weren't triggered. They were just genuinely mad to see it because...wait for more time....they don't see rape and sexual assault as in issue and people are wasting their time bringing awareness to it, and there are bigger issues to face as a community.
WHAT?! I was completely blown! These people are out there! They exist!
At first I was just huffing and steaming in my own mind, pacing at work, because I was so furious by this!! Once I was able to calm down, (and take an anxiety pill, because hey it's my life right now!) it just made me sad. These stats are real. The chances are VERY high that someone in their life, friends or family, have been sexually assaulted or raped. I sent this person some links to help them educate themselves and they responded more negatively with that then they did with the original message of this conversation. Sadly, for me, I had a wake up call of realizing I cannot make people take a stand for this. I can't make people bring attention to it and I can't make people recognize it is a problem. SO until this person decides to educate themselves, they will continue believing it's not an issue.
You guys! This is why we need to stand a little taller on this. This is why we need to fight harder to stop this stuff from happening. This is why people have created movements, laws, protests, rights, and speeches. Because, RAPE CULTURE IS A REAL PROBLEM!!! It is evermore existing and the longer we have people try to deny that, the longer it takes to change it.
I really urge you to find your own ways to be a support and a believer but here are some things that I can suggest to get you started.
1) Understand and know what constitutes as sexual assault. Studies are finding that people (especially younger men) are not clear on where the lines are. Know it. You can also read the article here.
2) Find some way to display your own kind of awareness. This really can be so simple. For one, you can just go find a teal string or something and make the ribbon and pin it to your shirt or backpack or purse. Then people see it every time you are out in public and some might even ask what it stands for. Then you can simply reply "It is the ribbon bringing awareness to sexual assault." SO simple right?! Literally everyone can do it.
3) Be an example of appropriate behavior and words. It sounds like elementary learning but if a peer or student or child or sibling is out of line. Say something. Be different. Use your voice to change people's beliefs!
4) Utilize your social media! This is especially great if you are one of those people who don't like in person confrontation of any kind. You can change your profile picture, use the SAAM hashtag, share the SAAM videos, or even just make a status stating you pledge to take a stand against sexual assault! Other forms of media include art, photography, t-shirts, painting, or filmography. You would be surprised how far the little things go.
5) My last suggestion to get you going is to attend a SAAM event. Contact your local S.A.F.E. Center or go to this Online Directory to find things going on in your area.
My hope and my prayer is that there will be a day where survivors don't have to be afraid to speak up...Where crimes not only get reported but get a sentencing to go with them...Where people won't fear for their safety walking to their car...where people and (who we thought were) our friends, don't tell survivors rape isn't an issue.
Remember: there are good people in the world. Your voice matters. You are loved and cared about far more than you can know!
Keep fighting!
*Take the pledge to stop sexual assault
*Honey is a non profit organization that does wonderful things to bring awareness and raise money. They also feature survivors stories on their page (Mine was featured a while back)
*National Sexual Violence Resource Center has a Facebook page that is promoting lots of differnet ways to get involved this month.
*Rainn is the Nations largest anti-sexual violence organization. They also operate the Nation Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE) and the DoD Safe Helpline.
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